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Better eLearning with Chatbots by Alex Salas

  • 03 Jun 2020
  • 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
  • Zoom


Alex Salas

Chatbots are apps built to interact with users as an autonomous messenger app i.e. Facebook messenger. As most people would assume, a chatbot is something only app developers can do. Luckily, that’s not the case today and anyone that can browse the Internet, can easily setup a chatbot with the use of several available authoring apps. Now imagine, what if you could gather information from your SMEs through a chatbot or what if you could enhance your eLearning content with a chatbot? These are questions that hold the promise of highly engaging learning experiences. In this session, we’ll discuss two powerful apps that required no knowledge of programming languages and won’t break your budget.

By the end of this session you will be able to:

Explain how chatbot technology works
Identify two apps for easy chatbot development
Explain the various uses and integrations of chatbots for L&D purposes.

Alexander Salas an award-winning Learning Experience Designer, Storyline expert and Chief of Awesomeness at a digital learning academy for eLearning designers. He specializes in the integration of instructional science with popular authoring tools, custom web design, game design, virtual and augmented realities for L&D purposes. Among his professional achievements, Alex is certified as CPTD, CompTIA CTT+ and Agile ScrumMaster as well. He was a designer of learning programs for Fortune 100 companies such as Centene Corporation, Philips and Dell. Alex is a regular speaker and contributor at major ATD, eLearning Guild and Training Magazine conferences and publications. When he’s not helping clients, he helps his local L&D community as President of ATDCFL and leading the Orlando Artikulatorz eLearning group.

Hosts: Jeffrey Riley

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Mid New Jersey ATD
P.O. Box 8567
Princeton, NJ 08543

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