ATD Mid New Jersey is proud to participate in the ATD Regional Webinar Series. This collaboration of 6 ATD chapters (including Eastern PA, Greater Philadelphia, Mid NJ, Northern NJ, Long Island & New York City) is bringing together the best of our networks to provide world class presenters and content. We look forward to sharing these webinars with you throughout 2021.
People often tell you, "Think out of the box," but no one tells you what the box is, or how to think out of it.
In our session we will take the phrase think out of the box literally, and create a physical box that represents the unconscious short cuts of our thinking that serve us most of the time but sometimes get in the way of getting what we really want.
The B❒X is not just about creativity, it is about mindset change to improved results. We don't just think out of the box, we need to think into a better box by making conscious adjustments to our unconscious thinking.
The delivery of this webinar is a mixture of metaphor, storytelling, self-reflection, personal sharing, mindfulness and goal achievement.
This webinar is particularly well suited for those who:
- are facing change
- are unable to achieve goals or targets
- want a more creative approach to life's challenges
- want a simple tool for living in a VUCA world
- hate the cliche, "Think out of the box"

Jimbo Clark is the founder of InnoGreat, a consulting firm which focuses on creativity and innovation in the decision-making process. He helps leadership teams and organizations solve challenging situations with improved thinking aligned to a shared vision of the future.
Jimbo has worked with more than 40 Fortune 500 companies in more than 25 countries. He has trained and certified 200 facilitators in his methodology, and is equally capable in face to face or virtual delivery.
Jimbo is the creator of Thinking in and Out of the Box, a mindset improvement tool used around the world to increase creativity, empathy and inclusion. He is also co-founder of Brains on the Beach with whom he co-created the ClockWise creative innovation methodology.