Come join us on April 23rd for MidNJ ASTD's 7th Annual Technology Showcase
Keynote Presenter:
Karl M. Kapp, Ed.D., Professor of Instructional Technology, Author of The Gamification of Learning and Instruction.
What role should games, simulations and gamification play in learning design and delivery?
Games, gamification and game-based learning have entered into the vocabulary of trainers, elearning developers and instructional designers in the past few years. While the use of games for learning seems like a good match, questions arise.
- How should games be integrated into the curriculum?
- Can attitudes and behavior change result from playing a game?
- What elements of games can learning designers borrow from game designers?
The answer to these questions can be found in the research on game-based learning.
Presentation Description:
This interactive presentation includes many examples of using game-based learning and gamification for performance improvement and highlights how organizations have used games to achieve learning success. And, yes, you will play a game at this presentation. Discover how research-based practices fit in with today's fast-paced need for quick, effective instruction.
In this keynote, we will discuss:
- How to apply game-based strategies to the presentation of learning content.
- Three principles for adding gamification and game-ideas to learning curriculums.
- Four motivational aspects of games that improve learning recall and application.
- Six ways gamification impacts learning design and development.
Panel Discussion and Q&A:
In addition to the keynote presentation, a panel of corporate learning leads and technology guru's will share how their organizations have used technology in creative and innovative ways. These short presentations will be followed by a Q&A forum where the panelists will exchange ideas with the audience.
Dan Bonham, Associate Director of Learning Innovation at Bristol-Myers Squibb
Ray McConville, Verizon Corp Media Relations
Richard H. Sites, Ed.D., Vice President – Client Services at Allen Interactions
Vendor Showcase:
Throughout the event, you will have the opportunity to browse the showcase of vendors who specialize in various forms of technology solutions to performance improvement. Time will be set aside to gather information and network with these vendors and other participants of the event.
GP Strategies
Hamilton Park Hotel and Conference Center
La Salle University (event sponsor)
Maher & Maher
Princeton Center for Education Services
Society for Applied Learning Technology
4:00 Registration & Networking
4:50 Chapter Announcements
5:00 - 9:00:
Presentation by Key Note Speaker
Panel Presentations by Corporate Learning Leaders
Vendor stations will be open throughout the evening - learn more about some great new capabilities and solutions, and network our way to your next big solution
Plated Dinner to be served at approximately 6:30pm
9:00 Formal Event Ends (but networking does not have to!)
Contact David Podhany or Ronni Rubenstein:

Learn more about the LaSalle Instructional Technology Management program here.
Cancellation Policy:
You may cancel your registration up to five (5) business days in advance of the event with a $10 cancellation fee. For cancellation within five business days, you will be charged but will receive a credit to the next Chapter event.