With more than 25 years of experience as a keynote speaker, healthcare professional, businesswoman, educator, and family care partner, Dr. Cahill is also a "born entertainer" whose credentials and life experiences endear her to everyone. Audiences rave about her energizing appearances that inform and inspire through humor, compassion, tools for resilience and leadership, content, and joy. Highly sought as a keynote speaker, Dr. Cahill consistently garners standing ovations in all kinds of settings… from corporate events to conventions and conferences…including Fortune 100 corporations, national conferences, programs on leadership, and personal and professional caregiving. Her appearances include Bristol-Myers Squibb, Make-A-Wish Foundation, Smithsonian Institution, Tri-West Administrators, Sanofi-Aventis, Dermalogica, AFL-CIO Wild Woman Conference, Siemens, National Association of Vocational Rehabilitation Counselors, Capitol Health, AT&T, Association of Weights and Measures and Association of Federal Administrative Professionals. (See client list for more). Teena is a recipient of the 2011 NJ Leading Women Entrepreneur Award as seen in NJ Monthly Magazine.
A gifted author, Dr. Cahill's book, The Cahill Factor: Turning Adversity into Advantage," is a powerful personal story about leadership, wisdom, resilience, care partnerships, and learning to thrive. She has written as an expert in healthy living for eminent national consumer media and professional publications, such as, (www.bewell.com), founded by Dr. Nancy Snyderman and Dr. Susan Love and www.strengthforcaring.com, the caregiver site sponsored by Johnson and Johnson. Dr. Cahill's television show, Wisdom and Beyond, is seen through PCTV on Comcast and Verizon FiOS in New Jersey and on line. Podcasts of her Internet Radio show are found her website, as are links to many of her media outlets. Visit her website www.teenacahill.com for links to her writing, TV show and her internet podcasts.
Dr. Cahill's academic credentials include a Doctorate in Clinical Psychology, a Master's Degree in Counseling and Bachelor's Degree in Education. She is a former adjunct professor for undergraduate and graduate studies, a member of various professional organizations and an advisor to non-profit boards.
Dr. Cahill enjoys a rich, joy-filled life with her wild and wonderful extended family in Princeton, N.J. and Jupiter, Fla. She and her husband, Brooks, a former Marine Corps fighter pilot and international airline captain who is disabled, are a dynamic duo and extraordinary care partners. Most of all…Teena loves to laugh…and those in her midst find themselves laughing and being inspired as they learn tools for resilience and leadership and a great life…no matter what….at work and at home.